Ano 2022, Volume 63, Issue 3, (pp. 117-178)

In vitro comparative study of the surface properties of materials for removable prosthetic bases

Effectiveness of ceramics chair-side polishing – 2D and 3D roughness evaluation

Influence of abutment and connection type on implant-abutment connection rigidity: an in vitro study

Age of first deciduous tooth eruption in a Portuguese children population: a cross-sectional study

Volume do seio maxilar em doentes submetidos a tratamento ortodôntico-cirúrgico: estudo retrospectivo

Interpositional arthroplasty with temporal muscle flap – a surgical alternative for condylar ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint

Congenital granular cell tumor: an unusual case report

Hospital treatment of subcutaneous hematoma due to chin liposuction: an unusual case report

Xantoma verruciforme no palato duro: Caso clínico