Ano 2021, Volume 62, Issue 4, (pp. 193 - 259)

Quadriénio 2018-2021 – Balanço de uma Presidência

Fit accuracy of removable partial denture metal frameworks produced by CAD-CAM – a clinical study

Effect of number of implants, distal implant inclination, and angled abutment on stresses in fixed complete dentures: a nonlinear finite element analysis

In vitro evaluation of the efficacy of different protocols on calcium hydroxide dressing removal

Buccolingual root dimension of permanent mandibular canines as a complementary estimator of sex: a pilot study

Assessing the health literacy level of students in higher education: evolution throughout the training

Oral health-related knowledge and practices among a cohort of pregnant Portuguese women

Impacto da COVID-19 nos profissionais de saúde oral

Frenectomia labial superior na dentição mista associada a diastema interincisivo: relato de caso