Ano 2022, Volume 63, Issue 1, (pp. 1 - 57)

Biénio 2022-23

Preemptive analgesia in third molar surgery: A randomized clinical trial comparing two multimodal associations

Institutional caregivers’ predictors of oral hygiene frequency in adults with cerebral palsy

Atitudes, comportamentos e estado de saúde oral de estudantes do 5.° ano de Medicina Dentária

Root canal treatment of a maxillary second molar with four mesiobuccal root canals – a case report

Maxillary lateral incisor agenesis and microdontia: Minimally invasive symmetric and asymmetric esthetic rehabilitation

Desmoplastic fibroblastoma (collagenous fibroma) on the mandibular ridge: case report and review of immunohistochemical markers